Paintings 2021 - 1979

Copyright and Terms

About copyright
Information on logo marks, images, illustrations, sentences, music, program data, etc. (hereinafter referred to as "data") posted on (hereinafter referred to as "this website") belongs to each individual artist and Yoshito Takahashi (hereinafter referred to as the site owner) and is subject to intellectual property rights such as copyrights and trademark rights. To use them for any purpose and download, print, copy, rent, distribute, transmit, and broadcast all or part of this data without the written permission of the site owner, divert it to other homepages or printed matter, for profit is prohibited. In addition, we do not transfer the rights regarding the data that are permitted to be downloaded on this website to the user.

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Photograph by
 Miki Kojima
 Sakamoto Photo Research Laboratory
 Hitoshi Shibuya

Translation of poems by Roger McDonald

Web design by Studio Hart


Enactment: 2020/12/00

For inquiries, please contact the following window.

Yoshito Takahashi

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